Essay Writer essay-writer

Location: New York


When school gives an assignment to write an essay, many people probably have a question: What is an essay? And what is its difference from an ordinary essay? In this article I will try to answer these questions. Read more here:

An essay is a prose essay of small volume and free composition that expresses individual impressions and considerations on a specific subject or issue and does not purport to be a definitive or exhaustive treatment of the subject.

The structure of the essay is determined by the requirements imposed on it: the thoughts of the author of the essay on a problem are stated in the form of short theses (T). the thought should be supported by evidence - therefore, the thesis is followed by arguments (A). Arguments are facts, phenomena of social life, events, life situations and life experiences, scientific evidence, references to the opinion of scientists, etc.

It is better to give two arguments in favor of each thesis: one argument seems unconvincing, three arguments can "overload" the statement made in a genre oriented on brevity and imagery. Thus, the essay acquires a ring structure (the number of theses and arguments depends on the topic, the chosen plan, and the logic of thought development):
Thesis, arguments
Thesis, arguments
Thesis, arguments

The following requirements are placed on the structure of the essay:
1)The essay writer's thoughts on an issue are stated in the form of brief thesis statements (T).
2)The thought should be supported by evidence - so the thesis is followed by arguments (A). I would like to draw your attention to the following important aspects that actually distinguish an ordinary essay from an essay The introduction and conclusion should focus attention on the problem (in the introduction it is posed, in the conclusion - the author's opinion is summarized). It is necessary to highlight paragraphs, red lines, establishing a logical connection of paragraphs: in this way the integrity of the work is achieved. Style of narration: An essay is characterized by emotionality, expressiveness, and artistry.

Experts believe that the proper effect is provided by short, simple sentences, varied in intonation, and the skilful use of the "most modern" punctuation mark - a dash. However, the style reflects the personality, it is also useful to keep this in mind.

Writing essays often seems like a daunting task for high school or college students. Whether given as homework in school or perhaps written for a contest, many students often find the task of writing an essay to be unsolvable. Although writing an essay is a fairly large task, there are many different ways that a student can undertake to break the task down into smaller pieces. Breaking down the essay writing task into small steps is the easiest way to prepare a successful essay.