3 putted 3 times. Work on 3-5 footers. Work on approach shots with 52,56,60 from 100 and in.
Possible strokes saved.
1 shot: out on 1
2: out on 2
3:missed green with 60
4:snap hook left on 6 or double hole
5: 3 putted that same hole
6: out on 12 or 13
7: 3 putted 2nd to last par 5
8: if I would have one putted for birdie
9: 3 putted 18
10: one putted for birdie
First round with 123 head down worked pretty well. Might have lost distance with driver but need to check more.
Possible strokes saved.
1 shot: out on 1
2: out on 2
3:missed green with 60
4:snap hook left on 6 or double hole
5: 3 putted that same hole
6: out on 12 or 13
7: 3 putted 2nd to last par 5
8: if I would have one putted for birdie
9: 3 putted 18
10: one putted for birdie
First round with 123 head down worked pretty well. Might have lost distance with driver but need to check more.