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Recent Rounds
Original Darl scored 96 on 18 holes at Goose Hummock Golf Resort.
This was the moment when it all became not worth it. The moment when I realized this would be my view for the next 3.5 hours. What an idiot.May 24, 2020 Details -
Bearded Darl scored 83 on 18 holes at Goose Hummock Golf Resort.
Tired and hurt. Fat and smelly. Sore and weak. Old, burnt, drunk, high. I love today. Especially earlier. My pic saos it all.May 24, 2020 Details -
Stick Darl scored 102 on 18 holes at Goose Hummock Golf Resort.
what a glorious fucking day out there and my god did i ever BLOWWWW IT. sure im tired, im drunk, bodies fucked cant move but im not listing excuses im just telling you how bad i am. When i asked for help and water i didnt mean skull amd shank it into the lake. when i said im thirsty im cummin goose i didnt i cant hit a club more then 100yds in shear weakness. thats gay shit and i am that so it actually all works out.
brass tax what a perfect day, love my darlings see you in jugg app i am coming in with MJ mentality. you can very well call today sticks "last dance" because i just dug myself a grave and im going to go lie in it
Whens bed time?May 24, 2020 Details