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Nicholas Dalton scored 64 on 18 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Can’t complain about much, very happy with how I hit it all the way around. Didn’t hit my chips quite as close as I wish I would have but putter decent after the first few holes. Very pleased with the score and how I hit it.Jul 7, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 77 on 18 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Did not hit it well on the front at all. Still flipping it some of course and trying to maintain angle to impact. Hit a couple pretty decent ones and just missing here and there on others. Misses weren’t too awful bad just not recovering from them.Jun 25, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 35 on 9 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Hit it a lot better and hit a couple cuts too! Working club coming from inside and holding angle as long as possible. Watch Rory face on swing and see how long angle is held.Jun 23, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 36 on 9 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Trying to work on same old stuff. Still flipping it of course and where I’m working on takeaway and trying to keep club outside of my hands, I think I’m coming over the top of it a little bit becasye I’m getting back to hitting low and left drivers. Still swinging too far out and flipping. Irons improved a little with mimicking feel of what Justin Rose does in his practice swings. Getting the hands low or dropping the hands while maintaining my angle and coming from the inside, then rotating through impact.Jun 20, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 73 on 18 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Need to work on hitting up on it more and keeping path down the line. Getting path way right of target. Also, still flipping it a little and need to work on impact. Not hitting it as solid as I’d like by any means.Jun 1, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 70 on 18 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Didn’t hit it great. Struggled with ball striking. Need to work on getting club coming slightly from the inside and keeping hands forward at impact. I feel like I’m getting it out in front of me a little but and the face is getting shut and having to fight it going left. Got a little better on the back when I started being aware of that.May 29, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 74 on 18 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Hit it pretty well overall. Greens were slow, firm and inconsistent. Didn’t make anything and hit that ball over the green on 3 and hung one out right and then fatted two on 15 that cost me. Other than that, hit it very solid for a change. Hopeful to keep building off of that and start shooting some better scores.May 26, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 79 on 18 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Started to hit it a lot better other than a couple tee shots. Still can’t cut it hardly and when I swing up I’m still swinging way out right. Need to work on keeping hands ahead and swinging up.May 25, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 35 on 9 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Noticed I was getting my weight a little out in front of it at impact and of course flipping the fire out of it. Have got to keep working on getting path more neutral and wrist locked ahead of clubhead at impact.May 11, 2020 Details -
Nicholas Dalton scored 34 on 9 holes at Gorden Trent Golf Course.
Really started to hit it better but struggling mightily to hold the angle and hit a fade. Need to work on keeping the hands ahead through the swing while still hitting up on the ball whether hitting fades or draws.May 4, 2020 Details