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Recent Rounds
Ryan Hill scored 87 on 18 holes at Hills at Hernando Country Club.
Windy! 20 mpg constant and gusts about 35-40. First round in a month with no practice.Nov 30, 2014 Details -
Ryan Hill scored 81 on 18 holes at Hills at Hernando Country Club.
Very wet and muggy. Played with Pops before the Labor Day scramble.Aug 31, 2014 Details -
Ryan Hill scored 92 on 18 holes at Hills at Hernando Country Club.
Rough day. Started tied for 1st In the club championship. Finished 11th place overall. Good learning experience.Aug 2, 2014 Details -
Ryan Hill scored 84 on 18 holes at Hills at Hernando Country Club.
Soggy and wet. Rained 4 hours straight before we tee'd off.May 17, 2014 Details