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Kelab Golf Sarawak
Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Kuching, Sarawak 93050
Kuching, 11
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Recent Rounds
ivan sim scored 47 on 9 holes at Siol / Demak.
Switched over to Demak instead as quite clear, stopped for rain a short while at drink hut par 3, dumped my new srixon into the pond after hit it fat and then next hole lost another ball after sliced drive ricochet hit the tree and disappeared in long rough near hazard. This 9 Lau got only skin at 10th and halved all the other 8 holes. Finished before 1530.Jun 10, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 45 on 9 holes at Matang / Santubong.
Started Matang behind the walking foochows so a bit slow.
Got 2 skins but missed a few putts.Jun 10, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 96 on 18 holes at Siol / Demak.
Siol lost 2 balls demak lost one.
Shank at 16th 2nd 9 slower caught behind 2 buggy flights.Jun 9, 2016 Details -
Jun 8, 2016 Details
ivan sim scored 49 on 9 holes at Matang / Santubong.
2nd round on buggy with Lu Jimmy and Lau
Messed up a few holes but got 3 skins this 9 and no lost ballJun 8, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 96 on 18 holes at Siol / Demak.
Greens horrible today just top dressed yesterday.
Lost the yellow Titleist at hole 9 again hooked lay up into pond from right. Only one par chip in at siol 8th.
Crossed over lost another ball at 16th after tried to cross 2nd shot. Caught up with 2 slow guys last 2 holes.Jun 8, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 95 on 18 holes at Matang / Santubong.
Started santubong all clear no lost ball but 3 putted 3 holes.
Crossed over matang could play through first hole family flight one 3 putt here and still came back with yellow old ball. Stuck behind Peter sie flight at 7th but played through at 8th.Jun 7, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 43 on 9 holes at Matang / Santubong.
Crossed over got blocked by husband and wife slow players after 2 holes.
Putter still on fire sank a few huge putts but lost the Titleist ball finally at hole 18 after bad drive hooked into pond.Jun 6, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 45 on 9 holes at Siol / Demak.
SeeMore on fire first 5 holes one putt and one chip in but screwed up 15th after bad drive and careless 3 putt. 3 putted 18th as well after best drive but used wrong approach 8i instead of 7iJun 6, 2016 Details -
ivan sim scored 96 on 18 holes at Siol / Demak.
was almost late/delayed due to lock issues. lost 2 balls at siol side and 1 ball at demak but found 2 balls as well and played 1 ringgit up with Mike Boon and Lee made 10 ringgit not bad. played a bit of crap, too many rubbish but made a few good pars today, managed to par 3 of the par 5sJun 4, 2016 Details