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Stick Darl scored 93 on 18 holes at Pine Hills Golf Club.
picture says it all. as we gazed into eachothers eyes we knew we had the sweet taste of jugs and apps locked up. it is always known that serenity does not lose to tin and my god our opponents are pure tin men.
first ever tie after 18 truly amazing crowd was lined up down hole 1 waiting for dino and stick to come up to the tee and deliver daggers throughout the hole, there opponents shattered hitting shot after short desperatley looking for there balls while we had the sun setting above us showing the world the serenity of dino and stick is just no match together. we tip our caps to pine hills and guzzle our free jugs and apps. dont forget to give the bill to themJun 25, 2018 Details -
DinoDarl scored 107 on 18 holes at Pine Hills Golf Club.
Way to grind it out my Blue Suede Stick partner. Off to victory jugs and apps!!!! Boooooom. I love you and what a great victory with you in the playoff when it truly counted. 2018 jug &app CHAMPIONSJun 23, 2018 Details -
DinoDarl scored 92 on 18 holes at Pine Hills Golf Club.
Ya baby!! Amazing course. Blasting darls away in first round and on way to enjoy free nug and appsJun 23, 2018 Details -
Original Darl scored 102 on 18 holes at Pine Hills Golf Club.
9 holes to play and we are CHARGING!!! Original riding the great white rhino, striking fear into the stick and dino as we watch them let us back in it with every duffed and launched chip and missed 4 footers to end us. Now tied after 36 holes and going to a playoff!!! Are you kidding me?!?!? Ok here we go. I battled through a straight drive that kicked HARD right into shrubs and same with the Rhonda. Two good hits just rejected by that so called fairway. I get it to within 70 yards and make pitch of my life over trees to land just left of the hole and roll it to within 2 feet of the pin to save Bogey and get us two points. Wish I could say the same for my ex-partner. So long bearded, Dino's coat tails are calling me.Jun 26, 2018 Details -
Original Darl scored 106 on 18 holes at Pine Hills Golf Club.
Aim middle and close eyes, don't know where it's going anyways. Fuck me, fuck you, now FUCK US!!!Jun 23, 2018 Details -
Bearded Darl scored 84 on 18 holes at Pine Hills Golf Club.
Allen Iverson!! Wow are you kidding me on that finish. Still 2 playoff holes to go. We'll probly never play them though.Jun 23, 2018 Details