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Original Darl scored 106 on 18 holes at Wildstone Golf Course.
Can I aim at the fairway now and not 70 yards left? It felt GOOD and it did that? I'm not even mad, just confused. Maybe it's from the anal rape I recieved at the casino last night. Maybe it was sweet Jesus. Maybe I was ript rekt. I don't know but crack me a beer and pass me the hootie I'll continue my search for an excuse another day.Apr 22, 2018 Details -
Stick Darl scored 86 on 18 holes at Wildstone Golf Course.
as i arrive home and i reflect on the weekend what can be said. Got ripd rektd with my darl dont remember many shots or how far they went but boy did it feeel goood. Casino anally raped us and it did not feel good but we were together and battled. Met Topanga and she was glorious. Drive home couldnt of been more tin couldnt move as everything hurt and still rektd from weekend. Going to melt my skin in a hot bath and pass out until someone wakes me up or i never wake up as my heart hasnt beated for 2 daysApr 22, 2018 Details -
Original Darl scored 108 on 18 holes at Wildstone Golf Course.
Blossoms have bloomed above and beneath me.
The trees, the green, the serenity unique.
If from tee to green I can defeat it.
Tomorrow the darls will think I've cheated.Apr 21, 2018 Details -
Stick Darl scored 91 on 18 holes at Wildstone Golf Course.
WOW what a battle from blistering gusts and showers to clear sunny and absolutley gorgeous. sweet jesus got us through cant move. jumping into hot tub hpoting drinking heart attack. 215 yd par 3 leaves it 6 inches for majestic birdie like the bald eagle we saw sorrowing through the air. SHORT GAME SUCKED ME OFF FUCKApr 21, 2018 Details