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Buenaventura Golf Course

5882 Olivas Park Dr
Ventura, CA
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  • Logan Hornstein scored 77 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (206) Pretty decent, considering I haven't played in about a month.
    All full-swings were kinda short. They were slices when I wouldn't square the face, and either straight-pulls or baby-fades when I would square the club face.
    Chipping was excellent.
    Putting was kinda bad.
    Dec 17, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 81 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (205) Every full-swing was short. Some were straight, many were pushy.
    Chipping was Surprisingly good.
    Putting was absolutely terrible.
    Nov 19, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 79 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (203) Swing felt mostly-better, but too many balls in the water to score well.
    Driver felt really good. Other woods were spiny fades off the heel.
    Irons were decent, but still shorter than I'd like.
    Chipping was once again terrible.
    Putting was mostly really good.
    Oct 22, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 76 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (202) Implemented a new swing today. Swing felt okay, but my ball contact was GARBAGE.
    My chipping and putting were good on the front, but bad on the back.
    Oct 15, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 75 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (200) I tried a new swing thought & technique (use the ground by moving my right foot forward + left foot back on the downswing).
    Woods were great.
    Irons were very inconsistent.
    Wedges were short on full swings, but good on pitches.
    Putting was bad on the front, but fine on the back.
    Sep 24, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 72 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (199) Woods had a consistent fade (some of which pushed).
    Irons were mostly hit poorly, but poorly in several different ways.
    Wedges were actually pretty good.
    Putting was mostly good, with about two really bad attempts.
    Sep 10, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 76 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (197) Woods were pretty good of the tee, but inconsistent off the deck.
    Irons were inconsistent (some good, some okay, some bad).
    Wedges were pretty bad.
    Putting was decent, but never particularly good.
    Aug 28, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 73 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (196) Driver was inconsistent, but woods off deck were short push-fades.
    Irons were mostly very good.
    Wedges were pretty bad.
    Putting was never terrible, but not great.
    Jul 31, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 69 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (195) Woods were either really good or just okay.
    Irons were mostly great, with some duds.
    Wedges were mostly good.
    Putting was good, with only a handful of bad misses.
    Jul 7, 2022 Details
  • Logan Hornstein scored 73 on 18 holes at Buenaventura Golf Course.
    (193) Woods were decent.
    Irons were pretty bad.
    Chipping was bad.
    Putting was pretty good.
    Jun 12, 2022 Details