Chic McManus
Gross Score: 82
Played on: Apr 12th, 2015
Round Comments:

Round of my life lol

Score 82
Net Score 70
Avg Putts 1.8
GIR 22%
  • 4
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  • 3
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  • Chic McManus
    6 pars the rest bogeys
    Apr 12th, 10:12 am
  • Craig Marshall
    Jesus !! What a score well in matey 👍👍
    Apr 12th, 10:15 am
  • george mcmanus
    Well done bro. Great game
    Apr 12th, 10:37 am
  • Chic McManus
    Cheers guys a wiz shitting ma self the closer a got to the 18th was to scare to look at my score lol
    Apr 12th, 10:39 am
  • george mcmanus
    Just looking at yer round again mate. Well done. I so want yo improve ma game. Hopefully be able to compete with yous some day
    Apr 12th, 10:48 am
  • john
    Well played chick played really well
    cheers for the app
    Apr 12th, 4:22 pm