Wade Kilpatrick
Gross Score: 105
Played on: Oct 24th, 2015
Round Comments:

1st time playing in about 2 months and my game felt rusty

RedTail Golf Course
Beaverton, OR
Score 105
Net Score 81
Tee White
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  • Josh F
    Nice to be out I bet! It will be till march for me. Snow!!
    Dec 3rd, 10:35 pm
  • Wade Kilpatrick
    Indeed it was. It's getting to be that way for us now as well but with rain instead of snow. Courses get really muddy around here
    Dec 4th, 8:10 pm
  • Josh F
    When they get too wet do they just close?
    Dec 4th, 8:26 pm
  • Wade Kilpatrick
    Nope, unless the course has flooded which one usually does every year since its on a creek
    Dec 6th, 8:55 pm