Kris Moroski
Gross Score: 83
Played on: Jun 2nd, 2016
Round Comments:

Another round of walking and was playing awesome but... but just got fatigued. Totally obvious when you look at my scorecard. (I teed off on 18 so 17 was my last hole.) my last 3 holes got progressively worse.

Besides that, everything was clicking except my putting. I missed many 7-9 footers for birdie or par. It was a round that could've been really really low and I still rocked an 83!

Score 83
Net Score 69
Avg Putts 1.8
GIR 33%
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  • Kris Moroski
    Correction the last 4 of 5 holes were increasingly bad. Bogey, bogey, double, par, triple. 😕

    Just got tired.
    Jun 2nd, 12:40 pm
  • Tim Westman
    Wow Kris, you were so close!! That's an amazing round! That is a clinic!
    Jun 2nd, 12:50 pm
  • Roy
    That's a crazy 8 hole run! That's the consistency we need to go below 80. Super solid round dude!
    Jun 2nd, 6:36 pm
  • Kris Moroski
    Thanks boys!
    Jun 2nd, 6:42 pm