Ali Mustafa
Gross Score: 42
Played on: Nov 27th, 2016
Round Comments:


Score 42
Net Score 35
Avg Putts 2.1
GIR 56%
  • 5
  • 5
  • 6
  • 4
  • 4
  • 3
  • 7
  • 4
  • 4


  • zainalihasmi
    Nice round, Ali! Looks like you had some great fairway hits with 100%, which is impressive. Your GIR (56%) is solid, too. A few more putts on the greens, and you'd have been really close to a great score. It reminds me how consistency, like the steady guidance in Surah Yaseen (, can lead to a stronger result over time. Keep up the good work, and looking forward to seeing more rounds like this. Lahore Garrison Golf and Country Club must have been a great place to play!
    Feb 18th, 2:28 am