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Milkshake shares mini playlist of songs from YouTube and Soundcloud

Do you know when you find an artist on YouTube and want to show that friend of yours that you're going to love the sound? Now you don't need to send a bunch of single links through WhatsApp for this. Just use Milkshake , a service that allows you to upload up to three tracks from YouTube or SoundCloud and chat in real time. The service runs on the web and does not require registration or login via social networks.

The home screen displays three discs and a text box where the name of the song or artist must be entered. When you do this, the site displays a list of hits found on YouTube and SoundCloud.

Each track shows its duration and a play icon, which when pressed plays the corresponding song. There is also a “+” sign, which adds the selected song to the playlist.

Milkshake jumps to the next disk immediately after clicking the “+” sign. The user can search for other artists or continue with the same. When including the three tracks, the system will ask you to name the playlist. Enter a title and press the "Create Playlist" button.

The system will generate a link to your playlist, which should be sent to your friend. Once the person logs in, Milkshake will take a few minutes to load the playlist and open the chat room. Only two people can access it; if you link to a third party, the service will say that the room is already full.

Also read: soundcloud to mp3 converter