
  • Dan scored 41 on 9 holes at Lynn Meadows Golf & Country Club.
    Great round until hole fucking 7. 3 putted. Hole 8, was 200 out in the fairway and glanced off a tree into fescue. Made a fucking 8.
    Jul 29, 2020 Details
  • Dan scored 82 on 18 holes at Willow Valley Golf Course.
    Front 9 was average, driver took a few holes to warm up and the greens were super fast. Turned it on for the back 9. Really awful three putt from about 8 feet downhill, and a tough three putt on 18 because I left myself at the top of a ridge. Driver was very straight. Hole 14 I drove it to the fringe. Overall a great round (back 9) and a PB BABY!
    Jul 27, 2020 Details
  • Dan scored 89 on 18 holes at Lynn Meadows Golf & Country Club.
    Driver was ass to start, finally figured out I had to swing more right than I was and ripped my last 4 down the dick. Putter was pretty solid other than bad pace on a few 3 putts. Started playing bad when Lamber was being a douche, pulled er back though.
    Jul 24, 2020 Details
  • Dan scored 87 on 18 holes at North to South.
    2 topped tee shots that caused 2 strokes lost. Putter within 6-8 feet was lights out. Driver was decent for first 9, good for second 9 with the last 3 dead straight. Used my 9 iron 4-5 times to chip, all but one I got up and down so keep using it. Overall a very solid round
    Jul 23, 2020 Details
  • Dan scored 90 on 18 holes at Red Falcon to White Hawk.
    Went through a 2 hole stretch on the front 9 where I couldn’t get comfortable and fucked a par 3. Driver was not good today, hit like 4 duck hooks that were brutal. Putting was so-so, just didn’t feel super confident today. Opposite of last round.
    Jul 16, 2020 Details


Into the Wild

Into the Wild

Bronze Putter

Bronze Putter

Break 100

Break 100

3 Par Streak

3 Par Streak

Elevator skills

Elevator skills

Break 90

Break 90

Back to back birdies

Back to back birdies