Ways to get rid of stress before the exams
Session is the most exciting time for every student. In a short period of time, you have to read dozens of books, consolidate the theory with practice, and leave time for self-realisation in your extracurricular life. Of course, before the session students also need to make an effort to get good grades. But the online service Studybay.com can help them with their homework. Excessive excitement can be an obstacle on the way to their goals. How to get rid of stress before exams?
1. Take breaks
It is best to arrange short breaks every 45 minutes to stretch and do exercise. This way you will learn the material faster and you will be less stressed. Do not devote more than 8 hours a day to preparing for exams, because then the brain ceases to perceive information adequately, irritability increases, memory acts selectively, which leads to errors.
It is impossible to do one type of work for a long time, even if it is interesting. Monotony constrains thinking and blocks perception of information. So alternate between theory and practice. For example, dilute reading of textbooks and taking notes with audio-lectures, during which your eyes can rest from strain.
2. Do not break your dietary schedule
Eat regularly. Meal breaks give you a chance to rest, switch gears and relax. And a balanced diet will support your body in the current stressful situation. Fish, nuts, citrus fruits and dried fruit are particularly good to include in your diet during this period. Chocolate has a positive effect on the nervous system, as it helps to produce serotonin, the hormone of joy. A lot of fluids are needed for brain activity, so it's a good idea to drink plenty of plain or mineral water and green tea.
And do not abuse energy drinks and coffee, as they further agitate the nervous system. It is better to switch to freshly squeezed citrus juices for the time of exams, which will fill the body with vitamins.
3. Only study one subject at a time
While you are preparing for one subject, don't think about the other. Do everything in the first subject first, and then switch to the second one. It is better to do it on different days, so that you do not jumble the items you have learned and end up with only quotes from books on physics in your head.
4. Don't forget your sleep schedule
A healthy sleep routine is more necessary than ever when your body is at its limit. Eight hours of sleep helps you recover and your body continues to function without harming your health. Some scientists suggest that when you sleep, you literally make connections that you may never have consciously formed. The awake brain is adapted to gather information, the sleeping brain is adapted to process it. Simply put, at night we switch from "recording" to "editing", with it being the sleeping brain that decides which memories to keep and which to delete.
It is very important to remember that when sleep deprived, a person cannot successfully control their mood, recover quickly from injuries or remember new information.
One way to get a quick sleep is to drink a glass of warm water 30-40 minutes before going to sleep, diluted with 1 tbsp. honey, which has the property of strengthening the nervous system.
5. Try meditating
You don't have to become a yogi and learn about the whole point of being. All you need to do is play some nice soothing music, relax, lie down on the floor, stretch your arms out along your body, close your eyes and imagine yourself in a good place.
By immersing oneself in positive thoughts, one not only gets rid of nerves, but also accumulates energy, which can be used during preparatory work. This enables him or her to learn more topics in less time. Such exam preparation with knowledge of how to cope with stress will be most productive, effective and help save a huge number of nerve cells.
And remember, a little excitement on exam day is normal, it sets you up to win and cheers you up.