jairo1962jairo@gmail.com jairo1962jairo-gmail-com


  • jairo1962jairo@gmail.com scored 72 on 18 holes at Olive to Pine.
    Jan 28, 2023 Details
  • jairo1962jairo@gmail.com scored 36 on 18 holes at Pine 9.
    acrepairpronearme.com - Water leaks in air conditioning systems can be a tricky problem to diagnose and fix. While the symptoms of a leak - such as puddles of water around the unit, musty odors, or mold growth - are often obvious, the source of the leak can be difficult to pinpoint. Identifying and locating the source of a water leak is crucial for effective repair and preventing future leaks. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of identifying and locating the source of water leaks in your air conditioning system, so you can take the necessary steps to repair the problem and avoid costly damage."
    Dec 31, 1969 Details
  • Jan 28, 2023 Details


Break 100

Break 100

Break 90

Break 90

Break 80

Break 80

3 Par Streak

3 Par Streak

4 Par Streak

4 Par Streak

5 Par Streak

5 Par Streak

6 Par Streak

6 Par Streak

