Kurt scored 49 on 9 holes at Sharon Woods Golf Course.
Played 9 with Buzz. Cool day. Tried putting waggle. Effective on straight shots but not reading break. Had good luck with improved upright posture, STARING at the ball thru the whole shot, and swinging everything like a pitching wedge.Aug 18, 2023 Details -
Kurt scored 100 on 18 holes at Vineyard Golf Course.
First time at course. Felt good in the middle. Long approaches, good drive distances just off to the side. Putting not nearly as good as usual. 4 players.Jun 7, 2023 Details -
Kurt scored 103 on 18 holes at Mill Course.
Surprising hot, tired and frustrated though still lots of fun. A lot of rookie mistakes on drives and long shots-- hitting fat, swinging too hard. Maybe feel more pressure at nicer courses? Putting was fortunately very good including several long lag putts. 7 Iron was the hero, as always.May 25, 2023 Details -
Kurt scored 91 on 18 holes at Deer Track Golf Course.
Started on back 9, good long putting especially from fringes. Hit pretty well though drifted left and right. Was often long when hitting for green.May 9, 2023 Details

Break 100

Bronze Putter

Short Stuff

Break 90

Club Loyalist

Into the Wild

3 Par Streak

4 Par Streak

Silver Putter

Elevator skills