monstera leaf tips turning brown monstera-leaf-tips-turning-brown


Dealing with Brown Monstera Leaf Tips: Tips and Tricks from FamiPlants

Monstera deliciosa, also known as the Swiss cheese plant, is a popular choice for indoor plant enthusiasts, thanks to its striking foliage with natural holes and deep green color. However, when the leaf tips of your monstera start turning brown, it can be a cause for concern. If you're experiencing this issue, has got you covered with this comprehensive guide.

We'll explore the various reasons why monstera leaf tips may turn brown and provide solutions for restoring your plant's health.


Overwatering: The Most Common Cause of Brown Leaf Tips


Overwatering is the most common reason why monstera leaf tips turn brown. When the soil is waterlogged, it deprives the roots of oxygen, leading to root rot and damage that can manifest in the form of browning leaves.


Solution: Reduce watering frequency and make sure the pot has proper drainage. Allow the soil to dry out partially before watering again, and remove any standing water from the pot's saucer.

Underwatering: Another Possible Cause


Underwatering can also cause monstera leaf tips to turn brown. When the soil is too dry, the plant can't absorb enough moisture, leading to dehydration that can cause the tips of leaves to brown.


Solution: Water your monstera when the top inch of the soil is dry, and ensure that the pot has proper drainage. Increase the humidity level by misting your plant regularly, or use a humidifier to provide consistent moisture.

Read more: Troubleshooting Monstera Leaf Tips Turning Brown

Low Humidity: Contributing to Brown Leaf Tips


Monstera plants require adequate humidity levels to thrive. Low humidity levels can cause leaf browning, particularly at the tips, and can stress the plant.


Solution: Increase humidity levels by misting your plant regularly, using a humidifier, or placing a tray of water near the plant. Grouping your monstera with other plants can also help to create a more humid microclimate.

Pests and Diseases: A Possible Cause of Brown Leaf Tips


Pests and diseases can cause leaf browning in monstera plants. Common pests like spider mites and scale insects can cause damage to the leaves, while diseases like bacterial blight can lead to brown leaf tips.

Solution: Inspect your plant for signs of pests and diseases regularly, and treat as necessary with appropriate insecticides or fungicides. Quarantine any affected plants to prevent the spread of pests or diseases to other plants.

Read more:

Conclusion: Restoring Your Monstera's Health with


If your monstera's leaf tips are turning brown, it's essential to identify the cause and implement targeted solutions to restore your plant's health. At, we hope our tips and tricks help you address the issue and revive your monstera's beauty. Monitor your plant's watering and humidity levels, inspect regularly for pests and diseases, and take necessary precautions to avoid over or underwatering. With proper care and attention, your monstera will continue to thrive and be a stunning centerpiece in your home.