Stowe Nelson scored 98 on 18 holes at Marine Park Golf Course.
Same problems as before off the tee — throwing hips and drifting up so I make glancing contact with the ball. Tried to be smart and hit only hybrids but I probably only really hit 3 good drives all day. Everything else was pretty good, solid irons with pretty good dispersion, decent chipping (a couple chunks, 2 bad skulls), decent putting. If i had driven the ball better, this is very easily low-90s.Nov 6, 2023 Details -
Stowe Nelson scored 98 on 18 holes at Silver Lake Golf Course.
SKUNKY. Topping drives & hybrids all day. Lots of pulled irons. Scrambled well, hit two bomb putts and chipped in on 17 for birdie. Too many big numbers but this also feels like as high as I can score now because I mostly scraped it around even on hood holes.Oct 1, 2023 Details -
Stowe Nelson scored 94 on 18 holes at Silver Lake Golf Course.
Really struggled off the tee for the first part of the day. Driver and 5H both toppy and bad. Found a groove starting on 7 — not perfect but better. Very wet course, 6+ in of rain yesterday. Did not affect me much, couple chunks but much more thin contact.
Sep 30, 2023 Details

Into the Wild

Break 100

Bronze Putter

Elevator skills

Short Stuff

Break 90

Club Loyalist