Yvonne Toh scored 102 on 18 holes at Dendro to Vanda.
gave my wrist 2 weeks off from golf. pain is at 1/10 today. blew the first 3 holes on dendro due to bunker - punishment! driver shots went further with focus on acceleration at impact. found myself in trouble only for 1 hole which went left. managed to recover by pitching back onto the right fairway. accelerated through all my clubs and managed to get further distance. remember to commit to each and every shot! pitching was better, tried to use new 58 Deg wedge - reminder to lean more on left foot and use the bounce of the clubhead. focused on zero pressure grip and not compressing putter. rewarded in my long putts reaching around the cup for most of the holes.Sep 29, 2018 Details -
Yvonne Toh scored 98 on 18 holes at Marina Bay Golf Course.
driver, wood and iron shots are going longer with increased swing speed. I am having more solid shots with my 5w with smaller fades. chipping hasn't seen improvement. greens today we're deceivingly straight with no breaks. so I tried to compensate for the line and putted closer to the cup.Sep 16, 2018 Details

Break 100

Short Stuff